Program Director

Steven Lovely portrait
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Stephen Lovely

Director, Iowa Young Writers' Studio
Stephen Lovely has been the Director of the Iowa Young Writers’ Studio since 2005. He has led over 30 sessions of the program and hosted more than 2000 students. Stephen attended Kenyon College, where he majored in English, and the Iowa Writers' Workshop, where he studied with Deborah Eisenberg, Margot Livesey, Ethan Canin, and Frank Conroy. His first novel, Irreplaceable, was published by Hyperion/Voice in 2009 and translated into German, Dutch, and Chinese. Irreplaceable received the Dana Award for the Novel and a James Michener-Copernicus Society of America Award. Stephen currently lives in Iowa City with his wife and several dogs and cats. He is working on a second novel.

Program Staff

Teachers and counselors at the Iowa Young Writers’ Studio are chosen, with rare exceptions, from among the students and graduates of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop at the University of Iowa. The Iowa Writers’ Workshop, founded in 1936, was the first graduate creative writing program in the United States and is still regarded as one of the finest. The Iowa Writers’ Workshop typically accepts 25 fiction writers and 25 poets every year from an application pool of over 1,500. Teachers and counselors for the Iowa Young Writers’ Studio are thus by default not only extraordinarily accomplished writers in the early stages of their careers, but have had the opportunity to acquire extensive teaching experience while studying at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, in many cases teaching creative writing to undergraduates. It is for their teaching experience, enthusiasm, and expertise that we hire them to work at the Iowa Young Writers’ Studio. In short, the Iowa Young Writers’ Studio offers young, passionate, high school-age creative writers the opportunity to study with some of the finest writers and teachers in the country.

Adeniyi portrait

Adeniyi Ademoroti

Adeniyi Ademoroti is a fiction writer from Lagos, Nigeria. He’s an MFA candidate at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, and his work has appeared in The Southern Review, AGNI and Hobart.

Adams Adeosun

Adams Adeosun (he/they) is a writer and MFA candidate at the Iowa Writers' Workshop. Their work has been published in magazines and anthologies including Catapult, Litro UK, Transition, The Offing, Limbe to Lagos: Nonfiction from Cameroon and Nigeria. Their debut poetry chapbook, If the Golden Hour Won't Come For Us, is forthcoming in Akashic Books' New-Generation African Poets box set in 2024.
kevin allardice

Kevin Allardice

Kevin Allardice is the author of the novel Any Resemblance to Actual Persons, published by Counterpoint Press in 2013, and Family Genus Species (Outpost, May, 2017). He earned his MFA at The University of Virginia. His fiction has appeared in The Santa Monica Review, The Florida Review, The North American Review, Gulf Coast, and elsewhere; it has also won the Donald Barthelme Prize, twice been nominated for a Pushcart Prize, and been long-listed for the Flaherty-Dunnan First Novel Prize. As of August 2023 he will be living in Iowa City.
Ren portrait

Ren Arcamone

Ren Arcamone is a writer from Sydney, Australia. She’s a graduate of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop and the Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers’ Workshop. Her work is published or forthcoming in Gulf Coast and HEAT. She lives in Iowa City, where she writes about ghosts, monsters, cyborgs, sentient plant life, distant galaxies, and queer ladies with big feelings. Currently, she’s at work on a short story collection and a novel.
Madison Archard photo

Madison Archard

Madison Archard attended the Johns Hopkins University, where she became interested in queer feminist poetics, the visual language of film, and the social efficacy of the written word. She is a graduate of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. She believes that poetry—and by extrapolation literature—is more than a mirror for the disordered subconscious. It is our greatest hope for finding one another, for seeing and being seen, for speaking to the world around us. She is currently a graduate student in English Literature at the University of Buffalo.

Hannah Bonner

Hannah Bonner is a writer, film programmer, and educator. She is a 2023-2024 National Book Critics Circle Emerging Critics Fellow, the Poetry Editor for Brink, and a CLAS Postgraduate Visiting Writer in Creative Nonfiction at the University of Iowa. Her first collection of poems, Another Woman, will be published in August from EastOver Press. She received her MA in Film Studies, as well as her MFA in creative nonfiction from the University of Iowa.
Ellen Boyette portrait

Ellen Boyette

Ellen Boyette received her MFA at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, where she was an Alberta Kelley Fellow and Teaching-Writing Fellow. Her first book of poems, BEDIEVAL, was a finalist for the Slope Editions 2019 Book Prize judged by Solmaz Sharif as well as the CSU 2021 Lighthouse Series Book Prize judged by Shane McCrae. Her work can be found at jubilat, Prelude,, The Columbia Review, Bennington Review, and elsewhere. She is originally from Asheville, NC, where she enjoys hiking, live music, and playing with her two cats.
Christine Byrne

Christine Byrne

Christine Byrne is an MFA candidate in poetry at The Iowa Writers’ Workshop, where she won the John Logan Poetry Prize and was selected to read for the Mission Creek Festival Literary Walk. Prior to the workshop, she studied English at the University of Connecticut. In her time there, she toured in the Connecticut Poetry Circuit and received a Wallace Stevens Poetry Prize. Christine was previously the AV editor for Another Chicago Magazine and is currently a poetry reader for the Iowa Review. In addition to writing, Christine is a painter and ceramist. Her most recent poetry appears or is forthcoming in Pacifica, Barnstorm, the New England Review, and elsewhere
Nora Claire Miller

Nora Claire Miller

Nora Claire Miller is a poet and multidisciplinary artist and the author of the chapbook LULL (2020). Nora’s poems can be found Bennington Review, Hobart, Prelude, Tagvverk, and other places. Recently, Nora’s poem “In the Far Present” was selected by Douglas Kearney as runner-up for the 2021 Quarterly West Poetry Contest. In 2020, Nora was the winner of a Bat City Review Editor’s Prize. Nora is currently based in Western Massachusetts, where they serve as editor-in-chief of Ghost Proposal, a chapbook press and journal. In their spare time, Nora enjoys listening for owls in the woods, hanging out with their cat Ramona, repairing vintage lava lamps, and deep-frying poems. Nora holds an MFA from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop and a BA from Hampshire College.
Drue Denmon portrait

Drue Denmon

Drue Denmon is a writer from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She is a graduate of the Iowa Writers' Workshop where she has been working on a novel about young classical musicians in Pittsburgh. She loves her really exhausting and complex coffee making routine and taking pictures of the same sunset every day.
Scott Ditzler portrait

Scott Ditzler

Scott Ditzler is a recent graduate of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, where he was a Capote Fellow and a Teaching Writing Fellow. His fiction has appeared in Crazyhorse, December, and Puerto del Sol. His articles and reviews have appeared in The Kansas City Star. Scott currently lives and teaches in Iowa City, where he is working on a novel about working on a novel. When he isn’t busy worrying about writing, he enjoys distance running and organic gardening.
Eirill Falck

Eirill Falck

Eirill Falck is a writer, translator, and editor. Her work has appeared in The Kenyon Review, Poetry Magazine, and Michigan Quarterly Review. She received an MFA in Creative Writing from the Helen Zell Writers’ Program at the University of Michigan, where she was subsequently a Zell Fellow. She was a 2020-2022 Iowa Arts Fellow at the University of Iowa, where she completed an MFA in Literary Translation. While at the University of Iowa, she received the Stanley Award for International Research, for her work on translations of Edvard Munch’s journals. She is the recipient of the John Wagner Prize and the Hopwood Award, and has received support from The Elizabeth Kostova Foundation and The Helene Wurlitzer Foundation. Eirill is the co-founder of MQR: Mixtape, an imprint of Michigan Quarterly Review. She is represented by The Wylie Agency.
Indya Finch portrait

Indya Finch

Indya Finch is from rural East Texas. She received her BA in Film from Sam Houston State University and her MFA in Fiction from the Iowa Writers' Workshop where she received the Truman Capote Fellowship. Her work has been published in The Oxford American and nominated for the Pushcart Prize. When she's not being a teacher, she loves to watch movies and refuses to stop talking through them because she believes movie watching is a communal activity. Her favorite thing in the whole world is her beautiful orange cat Pablo who she named after Pablo Picasso. They both live in Iowa City.
Celine Fitzpatrick portrait

Celine Fitzpatrick

Celine Fitzpatrick is a writer who grew up between Chicago and Moscow. This upbringing is the subject of much of her realistic fiction, and a mentor once told her that her stories were concerned with “unearthing generational silences.” Sometimes she likes to take a break from all that stuff by writing silly, fantastical screenplays about witches, amateur necromancers, and wild west outlaws. She is currently an MFA candidate in Fiction at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, and working on a historical fiction novel titled The Thaw, which follows the relationship of an actress and her dressmaker in 1960s Soviet Russia.

Zkara Gaillard

Zkara Gaillard (they/them) was raised in Schenectady, NY and has roots in South Carolina. They received their MFA in Fiction from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop and a graduate certificate in African American Studies. Currently, they serve as the Managing Editor of the University of Iowa’s Prison Writing Project. Their short fiction has been published in Transition Magazine, which went on to be awarded the 2024 PEN/Dau Short Story Prize. They write about Black life, Black family, and the reverberations of trauma through generations.
Logan Hoffman-Smith portrait

Logan Hoffman-Smith

Logan Hoffman-Smith is a queer trans Chinese American Adoptee located in Iowa City. They are an MFA candidate in fiction at the University of Iowa and a Kundiman Fiction Fellow. In their free time, they enjoy bouldering, roller skating, researching the habits of ocean creatures, and picking up unknown neighborhood cats.
Jane Huffman

Jane Huffman

Jane Huffman's poems have appeared or are forthcoming in The Nation, POETRY, The New Yorker, The Kenyon Review, and elsewhere. She was a 2019 recipient of the Ruth Lilly and Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Fellowship from the Poetry Foundation. Jane is a graduate of the Iowa Writers' Workshop. She is founder and editor-in-chief of Guesthouse (, an online literary journal. She currently works as an instructor at the University of Iowa Magid Center for Undergraduate Writing and as a grant writer at the Iowa Youth Writing Project. Beginning in Fall 2022, she will be a PhD candidate in poetry at the University of Denver. Jane currently lives in Iowa City with her poodle, Gromit.
Aaron Hwang portrait

Aaron Hwang

Aaron Hwang is a graduate of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. He also graduated Yale with a Writing Concentration, but doesn’t really like to talk about it. He has never been a dragon or dipped his hand into the emptiness beyond the rim of the universe. He is perpetually losing things, and forgetting things, and running late. He turned this bio in late. He is not and has never been fancy. Please do not bully him.
Gilad Jaffe portrait

Gilad Jaffe

Originally from NYC, Gilad Jaffe received an MFA in Poetry from the Iowa Writers' Workshop. He holds a BA in Written Arts from Bard College where he was awarded the Academy of American Poets Prize, and has served on staff with the John Cage Trust and AmeriCorps at the Providence Children's Museum. His recent work has appeared or is forthcoming in Bennington Review, Colorado Review, Denver Quarterly, The Iowa Review, The Missouri Review, TriQuarterly, and The Yale Review, among others. He is currently an Assistant Editor at Conjunctions.
Gweneth Kelley portrait

Gwyneth Kelly

Gwyneth Kelly is a writer from Silver Spring, Maryland. She studied at Northwestern University and University College London before getting her MFA in fiction from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop; she was also a 2020 University of Iowa Writers’ Room Fellow for television writing. Her work, which has appeared in the Barcelona Review, The Washington Post, The American Scholar, and The New Republic, features lots of weird history, sisters, ghosts, and outlaws, and she is a proud member of the Writers Guild of America.

Devanshi Khetarpal

Devanshi Khetarpal is a Truman Capote and Sonny Mehta Fellow in Fiction at the Iowa Writers' Workshop. She is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Inklette Magazine, and served as a Poetry Reader for The Iowa Review. Her work has been published or is forthcoming in Pleiades, Indiana Review, The Masters Review, Suspect, Public Books, Poetry at Sangam, and The Bombay Literary Magazine, among others. Khetarpal received an Honorable Mention for the 2024 Prufer Poetry Prize, and was longlisted for the 2023 Toto Awards for Creative Writing in English. Her work has received support from the Juniper Writing Institute at UMass Amherst, Bread Loaf Translators' Conference, and the Yale Writers' Workshop. Devanshi holds a Master's in Comparative Literature from New York University, where she specialized in Italian Studies. Her poetry collection, Small Talk, was published by Writers Workshop India, Kolkata, in 2019. She is from Bhopal, India. Website:
katie knoll

Katie Knoll

Katie Knoll is a queer disabled writer from South Florida. Her childhood backyard was frequently visited by rattlesnakes, alligators, armadillos, otters, and other Florida wildlife, and now, she writes often about animals. She shares her life with two dogs, a small parrot, and a dove, and when she isn’t writing, she volunteers as a foster parent for blind, deaf, and otherwise-disabled dogs! She graduated from the Writers’ Workshop in Fiction in 2019, and currently lives in Atlanta. You can find her short stories online.
juliana lamy

Juliana Lamy

Juliana Lamy is a Haitian fiction writer from South Florida. She received her Bachelor’s degree in History & Literature from Harvard University. While there, she was also the recipient of the university’s Le Baron Russell Brigg’s Prize for Undergraduate Fiction, as well as the Gordon Parks Essay Prize for Nonfiction. She is the author of You Were Watching from the Sand (Red Hen Press, 2023). She is currently a fiction candidate at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. She really is 6”2, she swears.

Sara Luzuriaga

Sara Luzuriaga (she/they) is a British-Ecuadorian fiction writer raised in Philadelphia and an MFA candidate iin fiction at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. She graduated from Yale with a degree in Comparative Literature and has lived in London and Lyon, France. Their writing appears in The Sun, Off Assignment, and Soft Punk Magazine, among others; she was a Fiction Fellow at the New York State Summer Writers’ Institute. In their free time, they love to dance, run, and go to the movies.
Anna Magavern

Anna Magavern

Anna Magavern is a literary translator from the French. She holds an MFA in Literary Translation from the University of Iowa, where she is currently a Master’s candidate in French and Francophone World Studies. She is the translator of J.J. Zana’s poetry collection Script (2024), and a former editor of Exchanges Journal of Literary Translation.
Ben Mason

Benjamin Mason

Benjamin Mason is an Australian nomad whose most recent home was Fremantle (Walyalup), on Noongar Boodjar, Western Australia. Previously he has been a furniture removalist, a factory worker, a cleaner, a bartender, a high school teacher, hitchhiker, a slam poet, and a shanty singer with The Anchormen. He currently lives in Iowa City, where he is a second year fiction candidate in the Iowa Writers Workshop and teaches in Creative Writing.

Nina Morrison

Nina Morrison is a playwright, screenwriter, director and teaching artist. She has presented work in New York City at Dixon Place, Fordham University, the HOT! Festival of Queer Performance, the NY International Fringe Festival, and the Little Theatre series, among others. Nina is working with Sita Girl Productions as a writer’s assistant and story consultant. Her play Féminaal was produced by the Grumble Theater in the Twin Cities. Nina was the Provost’s Postgraduate Visiting Writer in Playwriting 2019-2020 at the University of Iowa. She was also the recipient of an artist’s residency at Dixon Place and a WORKSPACE writer’s residency at the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council. In addition to teaching at the Iowa Young Writers’ Studio, she teaches playwriting at Chicago Dramatists, she is a lecturer in the University of Iowa’s Link Program and a creative writing instructor for the Belin-Blank Honors Center Summer Writing Residency. MFA Directing, MFA Playwrights Workshop from the University of Iowa.
Liam Morrissey portrait

Liam Morrissey

Liam Morrissey was born and raised in Chicago. He has spent most of the past decade living in Los Angeles and working in film and television production. He is currently a second year MFA candidate in fiction at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop where he teaches courses on literature and creative writing. He was recently named a 2022 Tin House Scholar.
Regina Napolitano

Regina Napolitano

Regina Napolitano is a poet and teacher from Oakland, CA. She is currently an M.F.A. candidate in poetry at the Iowa Writers' Workshop. She was a high school English teacher at Oakland School of the Arts for four years. Her poetry has appeared in Hot Pink Magazine and elsewhere. She is learning Italian and likes to bake.
Cindy Juyoung Ok portrait

Cindy Juyoung Ok

Cindy Juyoung Ok, a former public high school teacher, is currently a creative writing lecturer at UC San Diego and an assistant editor at Guernica Magazine. Cindy’s writing has been supported by fellowships from organizations like Hambidge Center, Banff Centre, and VONA, and published in journals including The Yale Review, Black Warrior Review, and Poetry, with a chapbook, House Work, forthcoming from Ugly Duckling Presse.
amy p

Amy Parker

Amy Parker received her MFA in fiction from the Iowa Writers' Workshop, where she was a Meta-Rosenburg Fellow and a Teaching Writing Fellow. She has been awarded grants from the Sustainable Arts Foundation, the Marble House Foundation, the Vermont Studio Center, and the Clarion Foundation for her work in fiction. Her debut collection Beasts and Children was published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt in 2016, and she is currently at work on a novel. She has taught fiction and creative writing at the University of Iowa and Wichita State University.
Karen Parkman photo

Karen Parkman

Karen Parkman received her MFA in Creative Writing from the Iowa Writers' Workshop. Hanging out in a classroom with other people who love writing is one of the great joys of her life. In addition to teaching for the Iowa Young Writers' Studio, she's taught creative writing at the University of Iowa, Kirkwood Community College, and White Bear Center for the Arts, where she is also Outreach Coordinator. Her writing appears in Joyland, Witness, and Michigan Quarterly Review, and has earned fellowships from the Sozopol Fiction Seminars and MacDowell. She currently resides in Minneapolis, but has previously lived in West Virginia, Boston, New Zealand, and of course her beloved Iowa City.
Jarek Pastor

Jarek Pastor

Jarek Pastor is a theatremaker with a focus on play composition, dramaturgy, and directing. Their work operates on symbolic reasoning to enact absurdist portraits of social systems from a mixed race/bilingual/transnational perspective in the spirit of the clown and duende. Their work manifests a theatre of being more than the expected doing— of presence and acquaintance more than deed and explanation. As an instructor, Jarek seeks to nurture a feeling of playful yet focused curiosity in service to the expansion of comprehension and its invigorating effects on the individual and community. Jarek holds an MFA from the University of Iowa Playwrights Workshop and a BA in Playwriting from Columbia College Chicago.
yen pham

Yen Pham

Yen Pham is a writer, journalist and MFA candidate in fiction at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. She attended Harvard University and Oxford University on a Rhodes Scholarship. Her work has appeared in The Nation, the New York Times Book Review, The London Review of Books, n+1, Bookforum, and ArtReview.
Hannah Piette

Hannah Piette

Hannah Piette is a poet who lives and teaches in Iowa City. She received her MFA in poetry from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, and she is currently the CLAS Visiting Writer in Poetry at the University of Iowa. Her poems have appeared in Chicago Review, Guesthouse, and Paperbark Magazine.
Anna Polonyi portrait

Anna Polonyi

Anna Polonyi is a trilingual writer who usually gets her proverbs wrong and reads books about punctuation for fun. A fiction graduate from the Iowa Writers' Workshop, she is at work on a novel about a mythical creature called the Beast of the Gévaudan. When not in Iowa, you can find her in Nantes, France, rowing with an 8-person crew or learning how to identify clouds.
Eliana Ramage portrait

Eliana Ramage

Eliana Ramage is a fiction writer, a writing teacher, and a college mentor at a non-profit for youth. A Cherokee Nation citizen from Nashville, she is at work on a novel about an aspiring astronaut from her tribe. Her stories have appeared in Beloit Fiction Journal, CRAFT, The Baltimore Review, and The Masters' Review Anthology. She loves dance parties, making elaborate to-do lists, and (more recently) watching little videos on the Tiktok. Eliana is a graduate of Dartmouth College and the Iowa Writers’ Workshop.
Nitya Rayapati

Nitya Rayapati

Nitya Rayapati is a fiction writer and translator from Austin. She is currently an MFA candidate at the Iowa Writers' Workshop. She has been a Periplus fellow and her work has appeared in Electric Literature, PANK, and Gulf Coast. She loves biking, going on long walks, and deep frying things.

Valentina Ríos Romero

Valentina Ríos Romero is a writer from Mexico City. They are currently pursuing an MFA in fiction at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. At the heart of their writing are perspectives of queerness as defined by its potentiality. Valentina’s writing is informed by their previous work in the museum industry at institutions including the Whitney Museum of American Art, Oxford Modern and the Shelburne Museum.
Rasheeda Saka portrait

Rasheeda Saka

Rasheeda Saka is a Nigerian American writer, and her short stories have appeared in Joyland Magazine, Triquarterly, and Epiphany Magazine. A graduate of Princeton University, she was Literary Hub’s 2020 fall-winter editorial fellow and the assistant editor of Alta Journal’s California Book Club, for which she was awarded a 2021 Eddie & Ozzie Award for Best Newsletter. She loves biking, drinking chai lattes, and eating fried plantains (not at the same time!). Her favorite writers include Edward P. Jones, Namwali Serpell, Yiyun Li, and Ottessa Moshfegh.
Erin Sherry portrait

Erin Sherry

Erin Sherry is a fiction writer from the post-apocalyptic part of Pennsylvania where the movie adaptation of Cormac McCarthy's The Road was filmed. Prior to joining the Iowa Writers' Workshop as an Iowa Arts Fellow in fiction, Erin served as a publishing specialist for 826 Boston, a nonprofit youth writing organization. She holds a BFA in fiction writing from Emerson College and is currently at work on a collection of stories about, among other cosmic concerns, a woman with a black hole in her belly, a ghost baby on the moon, fathers who bottle stars and daughters who eat them. Her stories have appeared in the Adroit Journal, Groupie Mag, and the Emerson Review.
delilah silberman

Delilah Silberman

Delilah Silberman is a writer and photographer from New York City. She received her BA in Literature and Visual Arts from Bennington College and is currently an MFA candidate in poetry at the Iowa Writers' Workshop. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in The Adroit Journal, Bat City Review, and Hobart.
jenee skinner

Jeneé Skinner

Jeneé Skinner has a degree in Creative Writing and studied Renaissance Literature and the Italian Renaissance at Oxford University. Her work has appeared in the Catapult, Roxane Gay’s The Audacity, Missouri Review, and elsewhere. Additionally, she won Michigan Quarterly Review’s Jesmyn Ward Prize and was a finalist for the Black Warrior Review’s Fiction Contest. She has received fellowships from Tin House Summer Workshop and Kimbilio Writers Retreat. Currently, she is the Writing in Color Book Project Fellow for the Lighthouse Writers Workshop. Her work has been nominated for Best Microfiction, Best of the Net, and a Pushcart. She’s an MFA candidate at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop and at work on a historical magical realist novel.

Danielle Wheeler

Danielle Wheeler was the 2010-2011 Rona Jaffe fellow in poetry at the Iowa Writers' Workshop. She currently lives in Iowa City, Iowa, where she teaches writing and literature and manages the online course offerings for the Magid Center for Writing. She can be found online at 
Connor White portrait

Connor White

Connor White is from Long Island, New York and is a 2017 graduate of the Iowa Writers' Workshop. He has taught creative writing at the University of Iowa and at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. He graduated with a BFA in Film and Television from New York University's Tisch School of the Arts and worked for several years as a film director, producer and editor before coming to Iowa City.

Wyatt Williams

Wyatt Williams is the author of Springer Mountain: Meditations on Killing and Eating (UNC Press, 2021) and his essays been published by The New York Times Magazine, The New Yorker, Harper’s, The Believer, Oxford American, The Los Angeles Review of Books, The Paris Review, and others. Prior to his teaching career, he worked at a newspaper as a restaurant critic, in a cat furniture factory building scratching posts, and in restaurants and bars washing dishes and waiting tables. His work has been supported by awards, fellowships, and residencies from MacDowell, Hambidge Center, the James Beard Foundation, and anthologized in The Best American Food Writing.
Samantha Xiao Cody portrait

Samantha Xiao Cody

Samantha Xiao Cody is a former mediocre Physics major with too many hobbies. She currently enjoys knitting and bouldering, but it could be something new in a few months. You can find her in Best Small Fictions 2021, The New England Review, the Missouri Review, and elsewhere.
Jeffrey Xiong

Jeffrey Xiong

Jeffrey Xiong (he/they) is a writer from the San Gabriel Valley. He currently studies fiction at the Iowa Writers' Workshop, where he is a reader for the Iowa Review, and a joint winner of the Richard Yates Short Story Contest. Before Iowa, they worked as a software engineer, and studied computer science and cognitive science at Rice University. He was a 2022 Kearny Street Workshop IWL Fellow, and a graduate of the Tin House Summer Workshop. Their fiction often experiments with genre, structure, and point of view, and can be found in Passages North, Nimrod, HAD, and the Micro Podcast. They enjoy contemporary art, photography, and watching other people play video games. They know too much about PDFs and too little about everything else.

Former Staff

Writers who have taught or counseled at the Iowa Young Writers' Studio since its founding in 2000 include Daniel Alarcón, Alexia Arthurs, Andy Axel, Katherine Bell, Amy Bernhard, Catherine Blauvelt, Shane Book, Sarah Braunstein, Marion Bright, Jamel Brinkley, Thea Brown, Suzanne Buffam, Austin Bunn, David Busis, Amy Butcher, Scott Butterfield, Greta Byrum, Abdeel Cardoso, Abigail Carney, Marjorie Celona, Daniel Cesca, Ashley Clarke, Harriet Clark, Lindsay Coleman, Arda Collins, Ben Doyle, Nick Dybek, Janelle Effiwatt, Jason England, Michelle Falkoff, Dana Fang, Joe Fassler, Sarah Fay, Adam Fell, Jorge Guerra, David Gorin, Jane Gregory, Jill Haberkern, Ben Hale, Meg Hartmann, Amy Hassinger, Mary Hickman-Fernandez, Nate Hoks, Naomi Jackson, Evan James, Micah Ariel James, Leslie Jamison, Rebecca Johns, Nimo Johnson, Riley Johnson, Amanda Kallis, Daniel Khalastchi, Sally Keith, Kristin Kelly, Justin Kramon, Josh Kryah, Kerrie Kvashay-Boyle, Nam Le, Anna Lewis, Jason Lewis, Jane Lewty, Jack Livings, Claire Lombardo, James Longley, Carmen Maria Machado, Samantha Macpherson, Alex Madison, Dora Malech, Steve Marlowe, Anthony Marra, Peyton Marshall, Aaron McCollough, Madeline McDonnell, Sara McGuirk, Elyse Mele, Nancy Mendoza, Andrew Milward, Fatima Mirza, Kevin Moffett, Melissa Mogollon, Paula Morris, Anna Morrison, Becca Myers, Andrew Nance, Carl Napolitano, Thisbe Nissen, Derek Nnuro, Emily Pettit, Daniel Poppick, Margaret Reges, Alex Ruskell, Lewis Robinson, Dan Rosenberg, Margaret Ross, Anjali Sachdeva, Sanjena Sathian, Christian Schlegel, Lauren Shapiro, Vivian Shotwell, Nina Siegal, Lucy Silag, Will Smiley, Jared Stanley, Kate Sullivan, Michelle Taransky, Tim Taranto, Catherine Theis, Vu Tran, Ryan Tucker, Justin Tussing, Christine Utz, Kelsi Vanada, Anya Ventura, Cara Wall, Keenan Walsh, Patricia Walsh, Malena Watrous, Elizabeth Weiss, Lisa Wells, Monica West, Julia Whicker, Vinnie Wilhelm, Antoine Wilson, De'Shawn Winslow, Rachel Yoder, Ada Zhang, C. Pam Zhang and Jenny Zhang.