When is the deadline to apply?

Applications for the Summer 2025 6-week online courses will be accepted via Submittable, an online submissions manager, from March 1st at 1 a.m. CST until April 18 at 11:59 pm CST. We will not accept applications after the deadline under any circumstances. 

Are there any special requirements?

Students must be enrolled in high school and have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.

What do I have to submit?

  • Statement of Purpose
    300-500 words describing why you would like to take the course and what you hope to learn. We're seeking students who will be enthusiastic and committed to doing the assignments and participating in the discussion forums. The Statement of Purpose should be typed and double-spaced and submitted as either a Microsoft Word or PDF file.
  • Permission Form
    A signed permission form from a parent or guardian. Download blank form here.
  • Teacher Statement of Support
    250-500 words from one of your teachers attesting that you will be a good candidate for, and an enthusiastic citizen of, the course. Guidelines here.
  • A transcript
    A high school transcript showing a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher.

How do I submit?

  1. Sign up for free at Submittable and enter your basic information. You will be taken to the Iowa Young Writers’ Studio online course application. You will be asked a few more questions and have the opportunity to upload your statement of purpose and signed parental permission form. Please upload your statement of purpose and parental permission form as separate files. The application page will not be active until the Application Period begins
  2. Ask your teacher to upload a Teacher Statement of Support in Submittable (Microsoft Word read-only document or PDF). The statement upload page will not be active until the Application Period begins. Because of the large volume of submissions, we can no longer accept Teacher Statements of Support via e-mail. Your teacher will have to register (free) at Submittable in order to upload the statement. After your teacher uploads your statement, only your teacher will receive a confirmation in Submittable. You, the applicant, will not be able to see your Teacher Statement of Support in your Submittable profile. If you have any doubt as to whether your Teacher Statement of Support has been uploaded, please check with your teacher. 
  3. Ask your school to upload your transcript in SubmittableThe transcript upload page will not be active until the Application Period begins.  Because of the large volume of submissions, we can no longer accept transcripts via e-mail. We do accept transcripts via Parchment. Your high school will have to register (free) at Submittable in order to upload the transcript. After your high school uploads the transcript, only your high school will receive a confirmation in Submittable. You, the applicant, will not be able to see your transcript in your Submittable profile. If you have any doubt as to whether your transcript has been uploaded, please check with your high school. 

Is there a cost to apply?


When will I find out whether or not I’ve been accepted?

You will be notified by e-mail whether or not you have been accepted into the course by May 9th, 2025.

What happens if I’m accepted?

If accepted, we will send you information by e-mail about with instructions how to enroll in the course and reserve your spot.

What will the course cost?

The fee for each online course will be $475 payable by May 25th, 2025.

What if I have questions about applying?

Please direct all questions about the courses and the application process to iyws-onlinecourses@uiowa.edu.

We hope you’ll apply to take a course with us!